How does the Route Server work?
The Route Server is based on “arouteserver” (See GitHub for more information).
Sessions get provisioned automatically, also daily with info from PeeringDB. Make sure you list GlobalIXP on PeeringDB and set the RS Peer checkmark if you want to peer with the Route Server.

The Route Server updates its prefix list and ROA table daily.

On what does globalixp.org run?
globalixp.org runs as a VXLAN between iFog Locations, sometimes over L2 sometimes over IP.

Can I connect via Tunnel?
No. – Visit ifog.ch for a local connection via VPS

What performance can I expect?
None! – This is purely learning and development IXP – MTU may also not be 1500 on all paths.

Can I get free/paid transit over globalixp.org?
No, we forbid any member giving any other member transit, free or paid, via globalixp.org.
If you wish to do transit, create your own tunnel, get an L2, or use FogIXP or any other IXP.

How do I get support?
Please do understand – globalixp.org is NOT a commercial offering, therefore no individual support is NOT provided - Globalixp.org does not provide an SLA on its services either.